How You Can Help
Sponsor a ChildSponsor a Child
What is child sponsorship?
International Humanitarian Care child sponsorship programs focus on improving the well-being of children in need, especially the most vulnerable. When you sponsor a child, you help provide education, food, care, love and more than you think. In addition, you can connect through letters and photos. All with the goal of helping your sponsored child and other vulnerable children break free from poverty for good.
How much does it cost to sponsor a child?
Child sponsorship with International Humanitarian care costs $50 per month. To make the most of your monthly sponsorship donation, we combine it with other donations to invest in lasting, long-term resources for your sponsored child.
How do I sponsor a child?
Sponsor a child, and your monthly gift helps bring essentials like food, love, care, education, basic healthcare, and hope to your sponsored child.
When you sponsor a child, you can build a relationship with your child through letters and photos. Sponsor a child for $50 a month and help that child, and other vulnerable children break them free from poverty for good.
Sponsor a child who shares a birthday with you or a family member.
sponsor a child for $50 a month, your sponsorship donation is pooled with other sponsors for maximum impact to fund programs that benefit your sponsored child and his family.
Along the way, you can build a relationship with your sponsored child through letters, videos, time, prayer, updates, encouragement, and more. Sponsors who have the flexibility and resources can even arrange a visit to meet their child. It’s a life-changing experience – we’ll help you arrange the meet-up!
Sponsor a child, you get to watch the impact of your donation on your child, and his family. 1 Child + 1 Sponsor Vulnerable children are nominated by family background for the child sponsorship program. Each child is matched with only one sponsor. This one-to-one connection is a powerful way to share God’s love. Your sponsorship is an ongoing commitment that helps your sponsored child and their family overcome poverty. Your ongoing sponsorship allows you to witness the progress firsthand, as long as you’re able. We serve all people, regardless of their faith. In restricted regions, we believe that the selfless acts of our staff are a testimony to God’s love and the power of the Gospel.
Letter writing is not required. When you first sponsor a child, they’ll write you a letter introducing themselves. You don’t need to respond, but we make it quick and easy to send your child an email. You could also send a card or care package. Children really value a life-enriching connection with their sponsors. Your encouragement will give your sponsored child hope and confidence and will be a tangible reminder of God’s love. Regular monitoring of their progress and well-being by local staff Protection from abuse, neglect, and exploitation Any encouraging cards, letters, photos, or packages that you send Sponsor a child while respecting his rights Select your country To sponsor a child now, click according to your country of residence, you will be redirected to secure website. Egypt. Africa, Syria, South America, Your sponsorship With International Humanitarian Care, your sponsorship prioritizes protection of the child and their well-being. Your monthly gifts help ensure all children’s rights become a reality Without obligation: you control your payments without consequences for the child. Tax deductible: your sponsorship is a qualified charitable donation. Respectfully, you help the child and his community. we defend children whose rights are violated we protect the most vulnerable children we make the rights of the child accessible to as many people as possible We work for a world where children’s rights are respected, protected and enforced.
Please donate using our donation form and choose the sponsorship designation “Child Sponsorship”.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
International Humanitarian Care is a national and international humanitarian organization whose mission is to relieve the suffering of those in need, and create a better world for all.