Leila Yacoub

Leila Yacoub


Ms Leila Yacoub, is the director of Logistics, Planning and Operations of International Humanitarian Care (IHC) since January 2018. Ms. Yacoub graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from San Francisco State University in 1983. She earned an IT Development Engineer certification from Sacramento State University in 1993. She worked in the Silicon Valley for four years engaging in developing and testing various applications including children educational software and Tax preparation applications.

Leila joined the State Compensation Insurance Fund IT department In 1992. She later advanced into an IT management position where she managed the back-end servers maintenance of a multi-million dollar application. She is active in her community and is dedicated to helping the less privileged, especially women and children.

What Drives Us

Our Mission

International Humanitarian Care is a national and international humanitarian organization whose mission is to relieve the suffering of those in need, and create a better world for all.